How to copy project Android Studio Android28.06.2017
This is a quick summary of how to copy an Android Studio project.
Use the copy function of the system to make a complete copy of the folder that contains the project to be copied. In the example below, I made a complete copy of the folder "SecretProject1" and named the folder "SecretProject2"
Launch Android Studio and locate and open the copied project "SecretProject2".
Open "AndroidManifest.xml" and change the package name to the new name given to the copied project. In my case, it's "secretproject2" so I change the package name to "me.proft.secretproject2".
Right click on any one of the folder under "java" then select "Refactor" -> "Rename".
Click on "Rename package". Enter the new name of the project. In my case, it's "secretproject2". Then, click on "Refactor". Click on "Do Refractor" to start the refactor process. After it's done, click on "Sync Now" to synchronize the project.
Open "AndroidManifest.xml" and change the label of the App.
Click on the "Run 'app'" icon to verify if everything is O.K. with the copied project.
If anything is worth trying at all, it’s worth trying at least 10 times.