If you want to enumerate array/cursor in MeteorJS with comma you can use $mapped
from handlebar-helpers.
meteor add raix:handlebar-helpers
Prepare items for template
Template.movies.helpers({ movies: function() { return Movie.find(); } })
will map $first, $last, and $index onto your cursor or array
<template name="movies"> Favoured movies: {{#each $mapped movies}} {{title}}{{#unless $last}},{{/unless}} {{/each}} </template>
Or we can write custom global helper (without external lib in CoffeeScript). You get access to index, item, is first, is last or is even. Put it somewhere in lib directory of project, for example, helpers.coffee file.
Template.registerHelper 'mapped', (arr) -> arr = arr.fetch() || [] out = [] _.each(arr, (item, indx) -> i = indx + 1 out.push({ index: i, item: item, first: i == 1, last: i == arr.length, even: i % 2 == 0 }) ) return out
<template name="movies"> Favoured movies: {{#each mapped movies}} {{item.title}}{{#unless $last}},{{/unless}} {{/each}} </template>